Guardians of the Galaxy 3

Komiksový príbeh o Strážcoch galaxie pokračuje vo svojej kozmickej odysei plnej nových odhalení a tiež obviňovania. Objavte, ako Star-Lord, Drax a Thanos skutočne unikli z Cancerverse – a spoznajte skutočný osud bývalej Novy, Richarda Ridera!

Dostupnosť približne 4-6 týždňov.
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Kód: 9781302900083
32,99 € –6 % 30,87 €
Guardians of the Galaxy 3
guardians of the galaxy 3 9781302900083
32,99 € –6 %

O komikse:

The Guardians continue their cosmic odyssey in a volume filled with revelations and recriminations! Discover how Star-Lord, Drax and Thanos really escaped the Cancerverse - and learn the true fate of former Nova, Richard Rider!
After Venom leads the team to an entire world teeming with alien symbiotes, will they ever trust Flash Thompson again? Then, the Guardians and the X-Men are caught in the pull of the Black Vortex! With the Slaughter Squad hot on their tails, the two groups have to find somewhere to stash their precious cargo...but will the temptation of the Vortex's unknown power be too much for this band of misfits? Rocket leaps into action! Gamora is more deadly than ever! Ronan is deposed! And Peter Quill meets his destiny - but does he want it?



Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: KOMIKSY
Superhrdina, Séria: Guardians of the Galaxy
Autor: Brian Michael Bendis
Kresba: Valerio Schiti, Ed McGuinness, David López, Frank Cho
Počet strán: 272
Prevedenie: Pevná väzba
Rozmer: cca 188 x 282 x 18 mm
Jazyk: po anglicky
Rok vydania: 2016
ISBN: 9781302900083

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