Drax 1: The Galaxy’s Best Detective

Komiksový príbeh o postave Drax, ktorého poznáte zo skupinky vyvrheľov známej ako Strážcovia Galaxie (Guardians of the Galaxy).

Dostupnosť približne 4-6 týždňov.
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Kód: 9780785196624
14,99 € –6 % 13,99 €
Drax 1: The Galaxy’s Best Detective
drax 1 the galaxy s best detective 9780785196624
14,99 € –6 %

O komikse:

You know him as the heavily tattooed muscle for everybody's favorite spacefaring super team, but what does Drax do when he's not Guarding the Galaxy? Pursue his own bloodthirsty quest to achieve his destiny and slay Thanos, of course! Determined to find and kill the Titan once and for all, Drax is ready to take on the universe, one heavy hitter at a time! When Drax the Destroyer and Terrax the Tamer walk into a space cantina, it's no joke. Then there's the Temple of Foom! Fin Fang Foom, that is. You know Drax's motto, though: the bigger they are, the harder they die screaming. It's Drax the Destroyer, rampaging through space on a starship named the Space Sucker. You just know, whatever happens, this one is gonna be epic! COLLECTING: DRAX VOL. 1: THE GALAXY'S BEST DETECTIVE TPB



Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: KOMIKSY
Superhrdina, Séria: Guardians of the Galaxy
Autor: Cullen Bunn, CM Punk
Kresba: Matt Milla, Ruth Redmond
Počet strán: 112
Prevedenie: Brožovaná väzba
Rozmer: cca 168 x 258 x 5 mm
Jazyk: po anglicky
Rok vydania: 2016
ISBN: 9780785196624

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