7th Garden 1

Awyn Gardner urobí všetko preto aby ochránil prekrásnu majiteľku rovnako krásnej záhrady o ktorú sa stará. Boj medzi démonmi a anjelami o zem začal a tak isto o Awynovo srdce.

Dostupnosť približne 4-6 týždňov.
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Kód: 9781421587219
9,99 €
7th Garden 1
7th Garden 1

O komikse (Manga):

Awyn Gardner urobí všetko preto aby ochránil prekrásnu majiteľku rovnako krásnej záhrady o ktorú sa stará. Boj medzi démonmi a anjelami o zem začal a tak isto o Awynovo srdce.

Z obsahu:

Awyn Gardner will do anything to protect the beautiful mistress of the equally beautiful estate gardens he lovingly tends—even enslave himself to an also beautiful demon bent on world domination! The high-pitched battle is on between powerful angels, sexy demons and innocent people to dominate a world rife with political intrigue…and to win the heart of one hapless human man!

Awyn strives to be the perfect gardener—and perfect man—to win over his human mistress. But then he unwittingly awakens the demon Vyrde, and his village is attacked by crusader knights! Desperate to protect the apple of his eye, Awyn pledges fealty to Vyrde in exchange for the ability to wield a powerful demonic sword. What he doesn’t know is that his new demon mistress is scheming to slay the six angels who rule the world—so she can. Then more enemies attack, one of them armed with…a particle-ray cannon?!


Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: MANGA
Superhrdina, Séria: Rôzne
Autor: Mitsu Izumi
Počet strán: 228
Prevedenie: Brožovaná väzba
Rozmer: cca 127 x 185 mm
Jazyk: po anglicky
Rok vydania: 2016
ISBN: 9781421587219

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