Ultimates: Omniversal 1 - Start With the Impossible

Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Ms. America, Spectrum a Blue Marvel sa spojili do jedného teamu, aby zachránili vesmír.

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Kód: 9780785196709
15,99 € –2 % 15,67 €
Ultimates: Omniversal 1 - Start With the Impossible
Ultimates: Omniversal 1 - Start With the Impossible
15,99 € –2 %

O komikse:

Black Panther! Captain Marvel! Ms. America! Spectrum! Blue Marvel! Together, they form the ultimate super team, finding and fixing problems beyond the limits of the infinite! From cosmic forces lurking on Earth to whatever waits beyond the omniverse - they start with the impossible and take it from there! And what's more impossible than ending the threat of Galactus...forever? The devourer of worlds is beyond good and evil. He's a necessary part of the universe. When Galactus hungers, living worlds must die. The Ultimates have heard it all before, and respectfully they disagree. The bigger they are, the harder they fall -but if they succeed in taking him down, what will take his place? Another problem: Space-time is broken. And to solve that, the Ultimates must think outside the box like never before!



  • Autor: Al Ewing
  • Kresba: Kenneth Rocafort
  • Počet strán: 144
  • Prevedenie: Brožovaná väzba
  • Rozmer: cca 168 x 259 x 7,62 mm
  • Jazyk: anglický
  • Vydavateľ: Marvel Comics
  • Rok vydania: 2016
  • ISBN: 9780785196709

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: KOMIKSY
Prevedenie: Brožovaná väzba
Jazyk: po anglicky
ISBN: 9780785196709

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