Batman: Road to No Man's Land 1

Autor: Chuck Dixon          
Séria: Batman, Road to No Man's Land
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Kód: 9781401258276
26,99 € –6 % 25,21 €
Batman: Road to No Man's Land 1
Batman: Road to No Man's Land 1
26,99 € –6 %

O komikse:

After suffering a cataclysmic earthquake, the U.S. government has deemed Gotham City as uninhabitable and ordered all citizens to leave. It is now months later and those that have refused to vacate "No Man's Land" live amidst a citywide turf war in which the strongest prey on the weak. As gangs terrorize the ravaged populace, the Scarecrow uses a church relief project as a real life lab to test his experiments in fear. But with the return of the vigilante, Batman, and the appearance of an enigmatic new Batgirl, justice returns to Gotham.


  • Autor: Chuck Dixon              
  • Kresba: Cully Hamner           
  • Počet strán: 288
  • Prevedenie: Brožovaná väzba
  • Rozmer: 166 x 257 x 18 mm
  • Jazyk: anglický
  • Vydavateľ: DC Comics
  • Rok vydania: 2015
  • ISBN: 9781401258276

Dodatočné parametre

Kategória: KOMIKSY
Superhrdina, Séria: Batman
Autor: Chuck Dixon
Kresba: Cully Hamner
Počet strán: 288
Prevedenie: Brožovaná väzba
Rozmer: cca 166 x 257 x 18 mm
Jazyk: po anglicky
Rok vydania: 2015
ISBN: 9781401258276

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